Wednesday, November 17, 2010

“We're changing the world with technology.”

My experience in using ICT is quite..depthless. I know what I need to know: I know how to use SKYPE, I have an account on FACEBOOK, I have a BLOG, I know how to read and write E-MAILS, I use MSN and I use COMPUTER & INTERNET in my everyday life.

Technology is not my best friend but we are quite close. You simply can´t be a teacher without knowing how to use different kind of technology. Actually I think that nowadays it´s hard to exist without (using) technology. Of course I don´t know everything but if I need to use some new programs or do something unknown I try and experiment as long I succeed in it. So far this method has worked! :D

My expectations to the course are simple: I want to know about programs that can help me in the future, I want to know how to design my worksheets, games etc. so that they are attractive and motivating for students, I want to know how to make a video by myself. Of course that´s not all- I´m sure that during the courses many new expectations-questions will come into my mind.

To sum up: I can´t wait for this course!

Best wishes,

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