Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”

Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is Mariliis. I have to confess that I stared at my computer for some minutes and nothing came into my mind..nothing that would help me to describe/present myself. So I decided to spare you from boring hymn of praise and do something differently. Below you can see some keywords about me.

Previously I mentioned that I live in Vana- Vigala. Every time I say that I am from Vana- Vigala, people say: "Ha-ha, Old-Error!" and that because my homeplace´s name consists of two words old (vana) and error (viga). :) To give you a little information about this lovely village I prepared a poster, which you can see below.

Best wishes,


1 comment:

Katu. said...

Ooh, I like your new blog very much! Mariliis, you are so creative person! :)

I didn´t know that Vana-Vigala has a Wall of Hunger :)