Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Writing comes more easily if you have something to say."

Here is my masterpiece! This article "TEACHING ENGLISH WITH GPS" is like Tallinn- it will never be ready. ;) Hopefully it still gives you desire to experiment and use GPS to teach English.

Best wishes,


“Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.”

Above you saw my worksheet*, which consists pre-, while- and post-watching activities. The first exercise “introduces” the topic. The teacher must pay attention if this exercise is suitable for her/his pupils. If pupils can´t manage, the teacher can suggest to work in pairs or groups. The second exercise is the one that students fill in while watching. In the third exercise students can speak about three different questions. In the fourth exercise students can write about one hobby and then describe it to the deskmate. Also a key is added.

* It belongs to the video that you can see in the next post.

Best wishes,


"A good video can make all the difference."

This is our video- HOBBIES ARE FUN! Word ´our´ is stressed, because this video was made as a collaboration. (a) Now some things about the video: with a help of this video you can teach different hobbies to your pupils. It´s consists 20 different activities, 20 different pieces of music, 20 different phonetic symbols and 20 different pronunciations. As well- it´s elementary, educational and fun! Enjoy!

Best wishes,
