Wednesday, November 17, 2010

“We're changing the world with technology.”

My experience in using ICT is quite..depthless. I know what I need to know: I know how to use SKYPE, I have an account on FACEBOOK, I have a BLOG, I know how to read and write E-MAILS, I use MSN and I use COMPUTER & INTERNET in my everyday life.

Technology is not my best friend but we are quite close. You simply can´t be a teacher without knowing how to use different kind of technology. Actually I think that nowadays it´s hard to exist without (using) technology. Of course I don´t know everything but if I need to use some new programs or do something unknown I try and experiment as long I succeed in it. So far this method has worked! :D

My expectations to the course are simple: I want to know about programs that can help me in the future, I want to know how to design my worksheets, games etc. so that they are attractive and motivating for students, I want to know how to make a video by myself. Of course that´s not all- I´m sure that during the courses many new expectations-questions will come into my mind.

To sum up: I can´t wait for this course!

Best wishes,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”

Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is Mariliis. I have to confess that I stared at my computer for some minutes and nothing came into my mind..nothing that would help me to describe/present myself. So I decided to spare you from boring hymn of praise and do something differently. Below you can see some keywords about me.

Previously I mentioned that I live in Vana- Vigala. Every time I say that I am from Vana- Vigala, people say: "Ha-ha, Old-Error!" and that because my homeplace´s name consists of two words old (vana) and error (viga). :) To give you a little information about this lovely village I prepared a poster, which you can see below.

Best wishes,
